Tuesday, November 26, 2013


In the humble and unbiased opinion of a faithful member of the Seth Cohen fan club since 2003, this might be the best casting news of the year. According to PeopleNew Girl has signed on Adam Brody for the 14th episode of the current season. While an air date has yet to be set, the episode will begin shooting on Dec. 2.
The O.C. dreamboat is set to appear as Berkeley, Jess' ex-boyfriend who has been pinned as a "hip, stay-at-home dad." Did you hear that? Seth Cohen is all grown up, and he's taking care of a baby. Dreams really do come true. And to make this casting news even more amazing, this isn't even the first time that Brody and Max Greenfeld, who plays Schmidt, will appear in the same show together; in a 2007 episode of The O.C., Greenfeld played a younger version of Sandy Cohen, a.k.a Seth's dad. Woah.
The casting decision to bring on Brody makes it seems like the Fox show is relying more and more on outside actors to liven things up, especially since it aired recent episodes with guest stars Damon Wayans Jr., Taye Diggs, and various other noteable actors. The move is similar to one of Fox's other Tuesday night comedies: The Mindy Project. Mindy Kaling's show, which is on hiatus until April 1, seems to have a big-name guest star every week (even if it's not good for the character progression of the regulars). But whether the move to have more popular faces stroll through the loft's space is to garner more ratings or not, Adam Brody's presence is sure to bring gaggles of squealing girls to the TV on Tuesday nights at 9 PM. 

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